Friday 8 April 2011

Randoms - A mask?

And i'm back with random shit, I mean stuff, well I thought I'd have a go at making a face, but being me I decided to alter my model more than it would allow me to undo in 3DS Max, I found that you could change how may times it allows you to undo, but only after I had desecrated my face model to look like a sort of alien mask thing.

The face was originally a sphere that I had converted to an editable poly, and extruded a few vertexes and edges until it looked like a face, I wasn't using a reference image as I already know what a face looks like, as I have one, a face I mean. And I basically added a symmetry modifier after I deleted half the model, so I only needed to worry about half the model and a turbo smooth with an literation of 2 to well, guess.
I accidentally deleted and extruded the base and the turbo smooth made it look like what it is, so I just tidied it up and went with it. I added to holes for eyes and thought what the hell its a mask.

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