Wednesday 16 February 2011

Reflection--of something

Okay we had a visitor, no not the queen, a guy from the media industry who currently works for the animation company "double negative", His name was Lewis Gwvainaaisfhehwi or something. He gave us information about his experiences in the industry as well as production costs, etc, on adverts the company created, and to prove I was listening here's some information,,,.

Foxs Biscuits

An advert that was created by "double negative", now this cost a total of £1.5 million to create, and we where told Fox originally wanted a bulldog, after the initial creation they decided not to go with it and created on a mutant panda with some features of a bulldog and a panda, which they named a "Danda". Fox went completely over budget because of the change in character, the animators and modelers where borrowed from different sections to meet the deadline, and Fox was a bad client not having the concept done for the company, and they where never happy with features such as teeth, paws and voice actors. Because of the problems there was a total of 150 people working on the project to finish it in time.

I found the advert to be comedic and very well done, and it provided popular and a further 3 adverts rose from the original. We were told that if a company has no concept or solid idea, you know its going to be trouble, as it is hard to get the clients ideas on paper without any direction or plan.

Channel 4 advert

This was also created by "double negative", and for a measly £250,000 which is cheap in comparison to Fox's advert as it was only 10 seconds long and cost 6 times that. It was shot in real time and digitally edited later with a total of 50% of content added that was digital, this took 3 months to complete and only 40 people worked on it. This was an example of normal work that was completed within budget and deadlines, the only problem was the shadows that where noticed and has to be digitally recreated on the 3D building to make them look real, which was done last minute. The copyright for the logo in the advert was lifted and to add more realism the logo was added to the 3D buildings as well.

Mr Gwvainaaisfhehwi, lets just call him Lewis, started out as a Runner (Coffee Boy), full time, 11 grand a year. He studied at Bradford University in animation and graduated. It took him 3 years to get a proper job and earn a more impressive £35,000 a year currently. He is working on a secret film in partnership with Pixar as a modeler. It just goes to show that good things take awhile.

It was a positive experience and not at at all a waste of time, I know what your thinking that was rehearsed, but it wasn't I do believe any insight into the industry that you are planning to get into is valuable., and having to justify it is stupid.

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