Thursday 27 January 2011

Unit 70/72 Reflection

For Unit 70/72 our teams were asked to each research an historic or modern form of storytelling and briefly analyse a story from that period. The knowledge would then be put to use by presenting our stories to an audience.

I believe my presentation went well, although i didn't have enough time to fully complete the presentation the way I would have liked. But I was confident as the audience were people I knew and therefore the information that I rehearsed came out in the right order.

Our team took 17 minutes to complete our presentations, although my team were nice and quick as they summarised information I on the other hand took the most time as there was a lot to discuss, I felt that if I didn't portray all the information I had gathered, it would have went to waste.

I think everyone was prepared as we were told the time of the actual presentation, and we are good at keeping deadlines, although some people where more nervous than others, everyone was able to overcome there fears and complete the presentation.

The audience was more productive than you would think and myself tried to ask a question for each person, but the majority kept quiet the biggest contribution from the audience was our tutor, it wasn't because people where discouraged more that they had no questions because the information was given. I would also like to add that people need to learn when to clap as to not embarrass me.

The only feelings going through my mind while doing the presentation wasn't nervousness as it was hard to be nervous and remember everything I was suppose to talk about. I learnt a lot from this presentation as I know certain presentational skills and know how to portray information in the most sufficient way.

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