Monday 8 March 2010

Enterpise Day

Well last week we were dragged into college for "Wider Key Skills" in the form of a dragons den event set up by Bradford enterprise. It was completely rigged as first they handed out the teacher resource paper with all the answers on it to every table, not only that but they were prizes for the best team, which everyone seemed to have 27 right answers out of a total of 25. And the only thing we won during this time was a fricking twirl to share between 5 people. Even though our team got every question right, well we were cheating but we didn't expect everyone else to be as well. We were split into groups games being split into two groups of 5 and there were at least 20 other groups including business, now you would expect the business groups to be pretty good at this stuff, but everyone was shit apart from games, I don't know why but everyone was stupid and had no imagination.

So let me explain, we had to think of an idea that we could promote and sell, our team "Kamikazes" idea was an event were we would sell flowers and herbs in the form of seeds and fully grown plants, we dubbed this event "Flower Power". Our evil counterparts "Aspects" came up with the idea "Hippy Shakes" were they would have organic smoothies powered by a bicycle. Now we came second and the other team came first, the pize was a fiver each as outdated coupons. Just goes to show the brilliance of games design department and just ensures me that everyother group is poo.

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